Showing posts with label #rosids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #rosids. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Rose 2017-12-23 05

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #nature #rose #eukaryota #plantae #angiosperms #eudicots #rosids #rosa

photo taken : 2017/12/23 
at #ashanda 

Rose 2017-12-23 04

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #nature #rose #eukaryota #plantae #angiosperms #eudicots #rosids #rosa

photo taken : 2017/12/23 
at #ashanda 

Rose 2017-12-23 03

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #nature #rose #eukaryota #plantae #angiosperms #eudicots #rosids #rosa

photo taken : 2017/12/23 
at #ashanda 

Rose 2017-12-23 02

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #nature #rose #eukaryota #plantae #angiosperms #eudicots #rosids #rosa

photo taken : 2017/12/23 
at #ashanda 

Rose 2017-12-23 01

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #nature #rose #eukaryota #plantae #angiosperms #eudicots #rosids #rosa

photo taken : 2017/12/23 
at #ashanda 

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Rose 2017-12-21 01

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #nature #eukaryota #plantae #angiosperms #eudicots #rosids #rosa

photo taken : 2017/12/21 
at #ashanda 

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Rose 2017/02/27

domain :- #Eukaryota
kingdom :- #Plantae
unranked :- #Angiosperms
unranked :- #Eudicots
unranked :- #Rosids
order :- #Rosales
family :- #Rosaceae
subfamily :- #Rosoideae
genus :- #Rosa
                The genus Rosa is subdivided into four subgenera .  There are more than 360 species and thousands of cultivers . 
                   #আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #পাতা #গোলাপ
photo taken :- 2017/02/26
place :- #Maju

Saturday, 25 February 2017

ঝিঙ্গা 2017/02/25

kingdom :- #plantae
unranked :- #angiosperms
unranked :- #eudicots
unranked :- #rosids
order :- #cucurbitales
family :- #cucurbitaceae
            --------- #Juss
The cucurbitaceae , also called #cucurbits consist of 98 proposed genera with 975 species , mainly in tropical and subtropical regions .
#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #সবজি #ঝিঙ্গা
photo taken :- 2017/02/13
at #Maju