Showing posts with label #mammalia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #mammalia. Show all posts

Friday, 13 July 2018

ইঁদুর 2018-07-11

kingdom :- #Animalia
phylum :- #Chordata
subphylum :- #Vertebrata
class :- #Mammalia
order :- #Rodentia
family :- #Muridae
subfamily :- #Murinae
genus :- #Rattus
             ----- #Fischer_de_Waldheim, 1803
species :- 64 species

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #ইঁদুর

photo taken :- 2018-07-11 
at #Maju 

Monday, 10 July 2017

Nature 111/365

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #nature #challenge365
day 111/365
#rest #animalia #chordata #vertebrata #mammalia

I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life 

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

celebrate life 2017/07/04

Like me or hate me , both are in my favour , if you like me I am in your heart , if you hate me I am in you mind .
             Swami Vivekananda

photo taken : 2016/05/27 
at #murshidabad 

Saturday, 13 May 2017

cat 01 2017/05/13

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #nature #challenge365 #animalia #chordata #vertebrata #mammalia

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Nature 019/365

#আমার_চোখে #আমার_গ্রাম #challenge365 #nature
day 019/365
#animalia #chordata #mammalia